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Read. Lead. Succeed.

Reading Journey

Reading brings me profound satisfaction and helps me to relax. Becoming a coach has motivated me to delve back into the leadership and “self-help” genre that so inspired me earlier in my career. Remember What Color is Your Parachute? Answering the questions at the end (yes, I really did that) truly helped me to focus my career pursuits. Circling back to why coaching is so aligned with my outlook on life, it offers the tools and inspiration to make each day better, and taps the skills and resources I continue to develop each day.

Ok, I don’t just read these days, I often listen to books via Audible. It combines my two favorite things – walking and reading. Also, as a working Mom, it allows me to digest some meaty content while doing the dishes, cleaning my house or cutting the lawn. I also just find it easier to listen to leadership books than to actually page through and read. Not sure why but perhaps because the reader doesn’t allow me to stop and be distracted. Not sure, and may start some research on this because I am curious at heart, but just happy right now that it has opened up the ability for me to digest some awesome content that I try to apply to my life and share in my coaching.  

In this spirit, I am adding a bookshelf to this site – Read. Lead. Succeed. You will find my interests circle around digital transformation, creativity, time management and leadership. Occasionally I may add a TED Talk or podcast that inspires me as well. Check it out!

Here’s to a successful chapter 2020 in the story of your life!


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