For the Next Moves in Your Personal and Professional Journey

Look ahead

Coaching the next pivots

March 2019 marked the beginning of my coaching journey and the birth of Pivot8 Coaching. I had just completed my training at the Co-Active Training Institutes in San Rafael, CA. and was ready to launch my own business, using my coaching abilities to make a difference in the world.  Coaching was both a challenge and a joy for me. It inspired me to register a brand that captured my background, interests and sense of adventure. 

Pivot8 signifies:

Firstly, I have gone through eight major career shifts in my three-plus decades of working, gaining valuable insights from my successes, and outcomes that were less successful. And now, applying these insights to my coaching style, partnering with clients on their own pivots. 

Secondly, I am the youngest of eight siblings. I have witnessed their trials and triumphs, and been tempered by their wisdom.

Thirdly, the number eight is linked to fortune and success. 

Pivot8 Coaching encompasses the various facets of my life and career. Now for your next pivot….

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